Dustin Does The Doug Wright Awards
Posted on 16. May, 2011 by DWAMagpie in News
Starting today over at The Comics Journal “American” cartoonist Dustin Harbin trains his diarist eye on … us! Well, The Doug Wright Awards to be specific, but Canada and our arts and culture scene come into his keen focus as well.
As many of you already know Dustin is an incredibly talented cartoonist. He first attended a DWA ceremony in 2010, and had a lot to say about it afterwards. But it appears he just scraped the surface back then as he’ll be reflecting on the awards all week (ulp! be kind!). Day 1 is right here; and be sure to drop in all week for the insights and reflections of the man we like to consider the “American David Collier”.
Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 (In which winners are announced and the comics industry is ribbed), Day 4 (In which David Boswell makes an appearance and Dustin gets all sentimental), and Day 5 (The conclusion, as Dustin eats poutine and ponders the comics community; and R. Sikoryak makes a guest appearance.)